Friday, October 31, 2008

And more running...

This week wasn't really that exciting when it comes to running. I ran 20 minutes Monday, 30 Tuesday, skipped the track night Wednesday, and ran 30 minutes Thursday. All of my runs were the same route, really - the one I've been running a lot lately. I leave my apartment, run to the bayou side of Allen Parkway, and run down the bayou. I need a new route, but that one is just easy, and I like ending the run at home. I'm getting bored, though.

I am still not totally healthy, but I'm at least not crazy sick anymore. I just feel kinda yucky and down.

It is getting harder to make myself get out and run. I still don't really enjoy doing it, but I am stubborn and so afraid of not being able to finish the half marathon that I get myself out there and get through it. I will be relieved when this is over, though.

I am sore everywhere. I start out every run wondering if my legs are going to make it through. I mean, it's nice that I no longer feel totally nauseous whenever I run, but it is still really, really hard.

Tomorrow we're doing 7 miles and 2 parking garages. I think it's the garages at the end that are going to kill me. Also, I am not a fan of the 5am wake-up call. Bah.

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