The pain is subsiding a bit. It still hurts if I move around too much, and it starts throbbing after I talk a lot or eat, but it is way better than it was. And the nausea is calming down,too.
Even though I'm not allowed to run, I got up this morning and headed out to Memorial for practice. I can't run, but I can at least support the rest of the team. I talked to several people, went through the stretching exercises, then headed home when everyone else started out on the run.
I really wanted to run. That's not a familiar feeling for me. I think these team runs are going to be key for me - it is so much easier to keep going when you are distracted by talking to someone else. Music will only take your mind off of so much. The more runs I can do with other people, the better.
I am pretty impressed by how icky it manages to be outside at 7 in the morning. It was already 80 degrees (which really isn't so bad) when I got out to the park, and it didn't take more than a minute outside to find myself drenched in sweat. It really is the humidity that kills you. I think that 80 degrees without the sun bearing down on you wouldn't be so bad if the air wasn't so wet and heavy.
I am also impressed by how many people in Houston get up really early on Saturday morning to run. The park and the area surrounding it (basically my entire drive out there) are pretty crowded at 6:30 in the morning, and I am assuming the crowd starts much earlier. I find it hard to believe that I am choosing to become one of those crazy people.
I should be allowed to work out again by Wednesday's first track practice. I am actually looking forward to it.
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
That's great that you went out there even though you couldn't run. Helps keep you in the mode of getting up and doing it, and helps support your team!
Great job at keeping it up, even though you can't do it still! Take it easy on Wednesday when you are allowed to get back at it... Don't hit the track too hard... Ease into it, don't want to muck anything up your first day back!
What a team player! You are incredibly committed to this! Fabulous!
Great job keeping up the work... you will get this done!
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